Dan Hawkins

Dan Hawkins
294 Mill St. E Unit 205, Elora, ON, N0B 1S0
Tel 519 843 4043
Toll Free 1 800 267 7867
Fax 519 843 6260
Office Manager: Danella.Smith@d18.osstf.ca
District 18 OSSTF/FEESO
District 18 AGM is on Thursday May 23, 2024 @ 5:00 pm at the Grandway - Elora Raceway.
Please be aware that:
Motions to the District AGM are due no later than Friday May 3rd, 2024 at 5:00 pm. Email motions to Dan.Hawkins@d18.osstf.ca.
Nominations to the District AGM for the office of District President and District Secretary are due no later than Wednesday May 8th, 2024 at 5:00pm. Qualifying Nominations require individuals running for a position to be nominated by 2 other District 18 Members.
Email Nomination Chairperson, Teresa.katerberg@d18.osstf.ca with your interest for a position or with your nomination.
District 18 OSSTF/FEESO proudly represents over 2500 Education Workers and Secondary School Teachers. We are comprised of 7 different bargaining units representing Secondary School Teachers and Education Workers employed by the Upper Grand District School Board and Education Workers employed by the Wellington Catholic District School Board.
Upper Grand District School Board
TBU Website ..... President Paul Rawlinson
ESSP/ECE Website ..... President Cheryl Lampkin
OCT/TS Website ..... President Janice Minor
OTBU Website ..... President Christine Kerr
PSSP Website ..... President Tracey Mackie Vlietstra
Wellington Catholic District School Board
ESS Website ..... President Laura Sotirelis
OCT Website ..... President Lorena Aramini
We at District 18 OSSTF are committed to protecting and enhancing public education.
This results in the greatest good for both our members and our province. This is because:
Without a strong public education system, our diverse, open and prosperous society is threatened
Without highly capable, dedicated teachers and educational workers, student success is jeopardized
And without positive learning and working conditions, educational progress is undermined
As one of the most powerful, progressive forces in the educational community, OSSTF/FEESO can back up its beliefs with action – and really make a difference. All our efforts to protect and enhance public education are founded on the value of public education and the five principles required to sustain it.